Aphasia Gives Back
Volunteering opportunities for People with AphasiaGiving back to our community!
“Volunteering has many benefits for individuals…people who volunteer experience higher self-esteem, are happier, and develop stronger social networks than people who do not volunteer.” – National Institute of Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)
Voices of Hope for Aphasia members have volunteered as a group at thrift stores, homeless shelters serving meals, sorting food donations, and more. Recently, Voices of Hope members filled over 100 backpacks with essentials for kids entering foster care.
The Aphasia Gives Back program will expand those options through partnerships with local charities, hospitals, churches, and small businesses. To learn more about participating in the Aphasia Gives Back program, please contact us via email or by phone 727.249.1953
These organizations are already registered as our partners!

Are you an organization that would like to have enthusiastic, grateful volunteers? Contact us to become part of our network!